We have joined SXK (Svenska Kryssarklubben). In the west coast division they have life jacket meetings.
There you can apply and come with your inflatable life jackets from Baltic to a meeting and for free get them checked out to see that they work as they should and that the best before date hasn't passed on the release mechanism and that the air cartridge hasn't leaked.
When I bought RS I wanted us to have this kind of life jacket but didn't want to invest a lot of money on new ones when there are second hand ones. So, two life vests were bought from FB Marketplace for little money and really good ones. Now I also got the opportunity to service them and see that they work like they are supposed to.
We started with unfolding our vests to check how the cellulose part was. That is the one that is triggered when you fall into the water. These have a best before date. It turned out that Annika's had a best before date in 1997!!
In other words, high time to change, 🙂 Mine expired in 2019 so that was also exchanged.
Then things were controlled and expired parts were exchanged.
The vests were pumped up and will be kept at home inflated for 24 hours to control that the pressure stays.