We have actually only had other people on the boat, apart from family, once before, when our neighbour with daughter came along for a trip. Now we got the chance to treat my best friend and her family to a day on RS. What great weather it became.! Not much wind but lovely, warm and the best coast really showed itself from its most beautiful side. We started by measuring the wind; almost 0. But we do have an engine so that's an easy fix. We cast off after everyone in the Harris family had come onboard and put on sunscreen.
We went by motor under the Skåpesund bridge and out in Stigfjorden to anchor in a bay where we had previously lain and knew it was good. I had brought a large sallad and cold pies and we ate everything in the cock pit. It is nice with a good table with a laguna mount. The junior section of the Harris family started to become a bit restless. Our boat isn't the largest and yes, it can be a bit difficult to get an opportunity to move around like you are used to. Consequently, we started going homeward. The winds had by now started blowing a little bit and we could sail a part of the way. Nice to be able to show our friends the wonderful life sailing is.
The sea was not at all in upror on the way home and the few waves we had came from the motor boats that passed us. We were very happy with the day, however, and Anders and I were happy that we had been able to give the Harris family a nice trip on the sea.
Film to come.