He flew but took the wind with him. Still a wonderful day!

The meteorologists had promised wonderful weather during Ascension long weekend. Unfortunately, Anders had to work Friday so after work on Wednesday we hastened away to RS. We arrived pretty early and had some food. Then we took a lovely walk along the jetties and looked at all the boats which had been launched since the last time we were here. We talked some with another couple who were about to leave with their 36 foot sail boat and watched a few other both large and small boats. The sun started sinking and we returned to the boat to watch Onboard Lifestyle on the tablet and enjoy being onboard.

The day after, Ascension day, we woke up to sunshine and mild winds. Well, not a lot of winds perhaps because it was so calm in the harbour. But the first breakfast of the year in the sun was a fact and I realized that this might mean a bit shorter trousers on this sailing trip.

We chugged out of the harbour out into the "tub" and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Just as predicted it was so warm that we could wear shorts and t-shirts and also skip shoes and socks. What a feeling to be able to walk around on the boat barefoot. As the crew onboard it is my duty to run up onto the deck if something needs to be done and not having to wear shoes was wonderful.

The sun was shining the entire time with only a few small clouds in the sky. The temperature edged towards 20 degrees but the winds, where were they? We managed to get to the Tjörn bridge but when we arrived we had too little speed and one tack which didn't go as quickly as it should have done made the little wind there was turn us completely around. We gave up and turned on the motor and chugged up towards Svanesund. There we turned around and set the genoa. Now the winds was better and we sailed on at a few knots and really enjoyed ourselves. We became hungry and I headed down into the galley and made us each a cup noodle bowl. It was nice with something in our stomachs because you do become very hungry at sea.

We made a great mooring too. We have had some trouble with this because I have been so focused on not letting the boat touch the jetty or the Y-beams and have had a hard time knowing how to moor at the same time. Since it was so still and no wind from the stern I could push the boat away and then jump ashore and manage to hold RS until Anders could come up to the bow and moor her there too. It worked well and will be the new way we will moor in the future. We didn't want to go home but out cat Nicky needed us and Anders has to work, as previously stated so we did what we had to do to the boat and then said goodbye to RS for this wonderful day.

Posted in Ongoing Posts

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