Today we went to the yard again. We were going to meet Leif and get the boom and the spinnakerboom, while also finding out which mast is ours. We also needed to find out where the jib furling stay is and also where the cock pit tent and the sprayhood had gone. We found of course everything and back home the booms had a spa treatment after more than two years in a dusty storage room.
I started by removing the worst with a coarse scotch brite and only soft soap.
Then we washed with soft soap, warm water and a sponge. If any dirt was left it was removed with a spot rubbing with a soft scotch brite. After everything was rinsed. To dry it as quickly as possible I used compressed air and blew the ater off and dried the rest with a chamois. When they were dry I oiled them with parrafin oil and greased the ends of the spinnaker boom and changes a line between them. Now they are placed in the dungeon, just waiting for spring.
I noticed that the compass was missing letters and numbers??? It needs to be replaced, but that's for later. I have almost decided to change the main sheet. I also need to change or fix the gear lever since the neutral switch is stuck in activated. C u L8r.