The relief you feel when all is well.

We were at the boat early to get help from Leif. He is the former owner of RS as well as the yard's skilled motor mechanic and crane operator. He has helped us a lot, like the newbies we are. 😊

Annika took the opportunity to impregnate the boom cover and hung it to dry on the guard rails.

After airing several air screws, the engine started up and sounded just like she is supposed to. We thanked Leif a lot for his help and left with the knowledge that the fuel tap does not have to be turned off. 🤣

We sailed north as usual but soon turned east to sail towards Lerskiten and later south in the lane under the bridge and in past Stenungsund and back. I forgot to start the plotter but realized it by "A".

Next trip we'll be circumnavigating Tjörn with night harbour in Skärhamn. Toodles!

Posted in Ongoing Posts

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