Swimming in the wild and a shoe overboard.

Friday June 26 2020

Because Anders was going away the entire week 27 we wanted to do something together. And wasn't the weather perfect for sailing! Friday afternoon we travelled to Almösund and had a wonderful evening in the still Bohuslän. Almost no wind in the harbour and temperatures of about 27-28 degrees Celsius in the evening made it very enjoyable for us. It turned into both bathing, eating prawn sandwich, walking, more bathing, a visit in the boat from a friend of Anders' and enjoying the sunset.

Saturday June 27 2020

Already when we woke up it was over 20 degrees and we understood that it would be a warm day. After breakfast we chugged out of the harbour and planned a long day trip, actually around the island Tjörn. Although, where was the wind? We were out of luck there. We went by motor under Skåpesund bridge but realized soon that there was no point in going around Tjörn, if we wanted to sail. We could have done it by motor but that is no fun on a sail boat. Instead we decided to anchor in a lovley bay. We had never anchored before and today, when the winds were soft, it was a perfect day for trying. Anders managed the entire anchoring by himself, and very good at that and I only supported with reversing the boat so that the anchor dug itself into the bottom as it was supposed to do. Then we enjoyed three to four hours of bathing, eating food and just being together. Over 30 degrees af heat and cool, salty baths. What a day! As we turned around homeward a light breeze had started and we could sail for a little while. So nice, even if the surges from the motor boats were disturbing the peace.

Annika's shoe was found in the water. It probably needed to cool off.

Well, darn it, the sun does burn at sea. Despite sun factor of 50 we got sun burnt and I looked like a panda. When we arrived in the harbour in the afternoon Anders managed a nice mooring by himself and then we cleaned RS from all the salt water. In the same stride, Anders managed to flush one of my shoes into the sea too. I guess it was warm aswell. 🙂

Watch out first attempt at an edited YouTube-video here above. In English!

Over and out!


Posted in Ongoing Posts

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