The End and the Beginning.

Apologies for being bad at updating this page.
On Saturday, Oct 10, we will put RS on the hard for the winter. Hence, the sailing season is over and Winter season starts. We will try to document as much as possible of the jobs we do. We will conserve the engine, change two through holes and their respective ball valves. The plan is to install solar panels as well and some other odd jobbs.
The work I have done so far on RS is that I have changed all the running rigging and mounted a heater (Wallas 1300)

I have also got hold of a deck stand for the winter. It was a Press & Son which was supposed to be thrown away because the ridge was broken. I fixed it and saved about 5000 SEK.
Pics will come in the next post. Subscribe to our YouTube channel where the action happens.
Hugs from us.

Posted in Ongoing Posts

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