Wonderful sailing south and nasty tacking.

Summer is almost here. Well, at least if you count the weather. Wonderfully sunny and 20 degrees every day. Friday we hastened away to RS after work and enjoyed the calm and relatively warm presummer evening with a prawn sandwich and non-alcoholic cider sitting in the cock pit on RS. While the sun was setting we took a walk among the boats (a tradition for us by now) and finished the evening with Onboard Living and Sailing Ran on YouTube.

Saturday started with me trying the Omnia oven for the first time, with bake-off buns. This went very well and what luxury to get fresh buns in the morning. The sun was shining from a clear blue sky and the winds were with us, we felt. The winds blew from north east and we decided to sail under one of the bridges and towards the south. We have had some trouble with sailing under the bridges (mostly because I haven't tacked quickly enough) but today we managed it. Pleased as punch we continues past Höviksnäs and Wallhamn when we realised we needed to turn around. We needed to get home and meet up our son and celebrate his grading (blue belt in Taekwon-do). So we turned around.

Off to the south

When we had turned around we had the wind right against us. The waves which on the way south had struck so cosily against the stern and made such a soothing noise became wild monsters which made the boat rock and lean more than I felt comfortable with. I had a panic attack. The largest panic attack in the world! We realised that we would have had to tack all the way home and that with a crew member in total panic mode. We realised that we would have to tack all the way home and that with a crew member in panic. Not good at all. The captain decided to start the engine and roll in the genoa to move into the "tub" again by motor. There the waves might be kinder.

They were not kind waves at all! Despite us having sailed in stronger winds the sea was in much worse uproar than ever. I got to experience how the wind was nothing to the madness of the waves. A very strange feeling. We chugged in towards the harbour instead and made another nice mooring. After noodles and Bullen's Beer sausages we went home. Many thoughts were born today. But none of them means that we aren't going out sailing again, quite the opposite. To feel that you can trust your captain everyday of the week is really valuable as the crew. Over and out!

Posted in Ongoing Posts

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